Easter Sunday at Mountain Avenue Baptist is by far the best Sunday of the year! It is the day we celebrate our risen Savior! It is the day we remember His defeating of sin and death for everyone! It is the day we invite everyone to learn more about Him and His great love!
Something for everyone in the whole family!
We will have two different services on Easter Sunday morning. The first will begin at 9:00 AM, and will be filled with encouraging music, an uplifting Bible message about Jesus, our risen Savior, and a great time to meet many of our church family.
At 10:30 we will have our second morning service. Just like the 9 AM service, this service will also include vibrant music and an encouraging Bible message. Nursery and childcare will be provided for both services.
Speaking of the kids, right after our 10:30 service is when we will be having our HUGE Easter Egg and Candy Hunt! This will be located on our back football field.
Getting ready for church can be a little crazy, especially with kids; so before each service we will have refreshments and coffee for everyone!
Be sure to connect with our greeting team to get your coffee and donut.
We want everyone to make memories this Easter Sunday. In order to help, we will have two different photo booths for you and your family to use.
The first will be near our office entrance, and the second will be out on our football field near the Easter Egg Hunt.

Speaking of the Easter Candy Hunt, we have a HUGE one in store for all the kids who attend! We've created a safe and fun way for the whole family to enjoy the Easter activities.
Immediately following our 10:30 AM service, we will be hosting our Easter Egg Hunt with designated areas for each age group.