Growth Groups
Growth Groups at Mountain Avenue Baptist Church our the way we connect with others who are in our same life stage. Each class meets on Sunday morning at 9:30, with each designed for different stages of life. This allows you to connect with others who are going through life, facing the same challenges, and navigating similar changes.

Ladies Class
The Ladies Class is taught by Ms. Kim Kern, and is for single ladies of any age group. Kim has a heart to help ladies grow in God's grace and fulfill His purpose for their life.
Couples' Class
The Couples' Class is for any married couples ages 18-55. Our class focuses on life events that we all face, such as parenting, new jobs and other life transitions, as well as Biblical planning for family and future. We also meet monthly on Sunday evenings for a fun time of food and fellowship. Mike Moyer and his wife Joanna lead the class.

Senior Adults
The Senior adults meet every Sunday at 9:30 AM and it is open to anyone age 55 or better! Beyond the Sunday class times, our senior adults have monthly meetings, meals together, and fun activities.